In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of iStarry related functions and applications, we may access software development kits (SDKs) provided by third parties for such purposes. We strictly monitor the security of the SDKs used by our partners to obtain information in order to protect data security. The relevant third-party SDKs that we access are listed in our catalog.


Third Party SDK CatalogAndroid 

Wechat SDK

Purpose of UseHelp users authorize logins, share content to third-party applications, and use WeChat payments within the application.


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Types of personal information that may be involvedDevice Identification Information



Purpose of UseWord recognition and audio recognition


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Types of personal information that may be involvedDevice Identification InformationAudio Information



Purpose of UseHelping users with voice calls


Official Links


Types of personal information that may be involvedDevice Identification Information


Rongcloud SDK

Purpose of UseHelping users use instant messaging


Official Links


Types of personal information that may be involvedDevice Identification Information



Purpose of UseHelp users authorize login and share content to third-party applications


Official Links


Types of personal information that may be involvedDevice Identification Information



Purpose of UseHelp identify bugs


Official Links:


Types of personal information that may be involvedDevice Identification Information


PayPal SDK

Purpose of UseFor safety of payment


Official Links:


Types of personal information that may be involvedAndroid ID and hardware ID